Hoya Vision Care 和 Myopia Profile——培训未来的远见卓识者

About Myopia Profile

Myopia Profile based in Queensland, Australia, is the world’s largest and most popular multi-platform digital suite for myopia management. Founded in 2016 by optometrist husband-and-wife Dr. Paul Gifford, PhD, and Dr. Kate Gifford, PhD, Myopia Profile has grown from sharing Kate’s self-developed clinical paper-based tools to a comprehensive website, online learning academy, professional Facebook group and additional social media profiles, with over three million active engagements per year across the platforms. Myopia Profile’s public awareness arm, MyKidsVision.org, includes a website, short survey on myopia risk factors, How-To video guides, and social media platforms for parents to learn about childhood myopia and how they can seek the best options for their children.


关于 HOYA Vision Care

60 多年来,HOYA Vision Care 一直是光学技术创新领域充满激情的全球领军企业。 作为高品质高性能眼镜镜片的制造商,HOYA 不断推动光学技术创新,致力于为眼睛护理专家找到最佳视力保护解决方案。 本公司的镜片行销 52 个国家/地区,在全球拥有超过 18,000 名员工和 45 个实验室。


