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Lebih dari 25 publikasi dari seluruh dunia tentang teknologi MiYOSMART, sehingga Anda dapat dengan yakin menangani miopia dalam praktik sehari-hari Anda

Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis dan Meta-Analisis

Overview on Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Lenses: A Novel Perspective in Myopia Progression Management

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Effectiveness of peripheral defocus spectacle lenses in myopia control: a Meta-analysis and systematic review

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Interventions for myopia control in children: a living systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023

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Percobaan Terkendali Acak

Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS)spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-yearrandomised clinical trial

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Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Spectacle Lenses Changed the Relative Peripheral Refraction: A 2-Year Randomized Clinical Trial

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Effect of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Spectacle Lens Wear on Visual Function in Myopic Chinese Children

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Studi Kohort

Sifat optik dan penginderaan dari lensa kacamata multi-segmen baru yang dirancang untuk memperlambat perkembangan miopia

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Perlakuan miopia dan profilaksis dengan lensa kacamata defocus incorporated multiple segments

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The Adaptation and Acceptance of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segment Lens for Chinese Children

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Myopia control effect of defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS) spectacle lens in Chinese children: results of a 3-year follow-up study

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Myopia-correcting lenses decrease eye fatigue in a visual search task for both adolescents and adults

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Evaluation of an Optical Defocus Treatment for Myopia Progression Among Schoolchildren During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Vision tests on spectacle lenses and contact lenses for optical myopia correction: a pilot study

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Myopia Control Effect Is Influenced by Baseline Relative Peripheral Refraction in Children Wearing Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) Spectacle Lenses

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Modelling the refractive and imaging impact of multi-zone lenses utilized for myopia control in children’s eyes

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One-year Efficacy of the Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segment Lens in Chinese Myopic Children

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Myopia control: short‑term effect of 0.01% atropine vs. defocus incorporated multiple segment lenses—a retrospective study in European children

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Synergistic effects of defocus‑incorporated multiple segments and atropine in slowing the progression of myopia

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Changes in relative peripheral refraction in children who switched from single-vision lenses to Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments lenses

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The Efficacy of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Lenses in Slowing Myopia Progression

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Karakterisasi optik dari dua lensa kacamata pengendalian miopia yang baru

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Perbandingan pengendalian miopia pada anak-anak dan remaja Eropa dengan kacamata defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS), atropin, dan kombinasi DIMS/ Atropin

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Long‑term myopia control effect and safety in children wearing DIMS spectacle lenses for 6 years

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Comparison of optical myopia control interventions: effect on peripheral image quality and vision

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Lensa kacamata multi-segmen untuk pengendalian miopia. Bagian 1: Optik

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Lensa kacamata multi-segmen untuk pengendalian miopia. Bagian 2: Dampak terhadap perkembangan miopia

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Association between choriocapillaris perfusion and axial elongation in children using defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses

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Sicherheit von Brillengläsern mit DIMS-Technologie und Atropin in der Kombinationstherapie der Myopieprogression

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Studi pada Model Hewan

Graded Competing Regional Myopic and Hyperopic Defocus Produce Summated Emmetropization Set Points in Chick

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The Effects of Simultaneous Dual Focus Lenses on Refractive Development in Infant Monkeys

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Simultaneous Defocus Integration during Refractive Development

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MiYOSMART belum disetujui untuk penanganan miopia di semua negara, termasuk A.S., dan saat ini masih belum dijual ke semua negara, termasuk A.S.