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From light-adaptive, polarized and tinted lenses to mirror coatings and sunglasses in fashionable styles.

Sun Lens Solutions


Sun solutions for every need

Most people are unaware they need prescription sunglasses. They are likely to look for a new pair of fashionable sunglasses instead, unaware that the lack of prescription and UV protection leads to visual discomfort. With our sun solutions, you can find the soluions to your needs. You no longer have to compromise function for fashion. Enjoy enhanced visual comfort, performance and outdoor protection with our sun solutions in the most fashionable styles.

Polarized lenses


Help you enjoy your time outdoors. With our polarized lenses, blinding reflections and visual discomfort are no longer an issue. Reduced glare and enhanced contrast offer supreme visual performance, comfort and protection.

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Eyeveil 3 Tinted lenses


Colorful summers need colorful lenses. Wear tinted lenses to enhance your vision for a range of activities. From sports to driving glasses and everyday spectacles, you will be able to add color to your summer look with functional tints.

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Mirror and Light Mirror


With our mirror coatings in seven eye-catching colors, you express your personality and style as the way you want, while reducing the discomfort caused by high light intensity. Our concave anti-reflection coatings are the perfect combination of high fashion and function, for those bright days in the sun.

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