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A powerful collaboration. Your expertise and our technologies.

Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses to match your customers’ needs 

Since your patient’s visual and lifestyle requirements vary, with HOYA you can offer them the right progressive lens to match their individual needs. With our award-winning iD FreeForm Design Technology and patented Binocular Eye Model, our Hoyalux iD lenses allow you to offer tailored vision for all viewing distances.  

By combining your care, knowledge and foresight with our patented technologies, patients can experience the balanced vision they need. The Integrated double-surface design allows the front and back surface of the lens to be calculated individually, so they work together harmoniously. 

Hoyalux iD MySelf


A tailor-made progressive lens for clarity at any distance.

Progressive lenses that are individually tailored to your patient’s needs for clear vision at all distances.

We live in a world filled with digital devices, and while we love the convenience and connection, the various short viewing distances can be a real problem: switching from laptop to mobile, to TV back to laptop. And beyond screens, there’s still much more to see.

Hoyalux iD MySelf progressive lenses enable wearers to switch their vision from near to far and back again with ease because each lens is tailored to each unique patient.

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Hoyalux MySelf Profile

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Hoyalux iD MySelf Profile

Hoyalux iD MySelf Profile is an updated version of MyStyle Profile premium customised progressive lens design. Like its predecessor, MySelf Profile comes in 5 pre-defined design variants: Modern, Adventure, Stable, Detail and Expert. MySelf Profile’s key update is the introduction of AdaptEase and 3D Binocular Vision technologies. Wearers will benefit from comfortable vision when switching their visual focus across distances frequently while using their digital devices, even when they are on the go.

Read more about Hoyalux iD MySelf Profile
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Hoyalux iD LifeStyle 4

Hoyalux iD LifeStyle 4

Hoyalux iD LifeStyle 4 is HOYA’s new generation LifeStyle progressive lens; offering three pre-customised design variants: Indoor, Urban & Outdoor to match your patients’ individual vision needs. LifeStyle 4’s key improvement is the inclusion of 3D Binocular Vision premium technology which provides easier adaptation, fewer distortion areas, and easier focusing in near and intermediate areas.

Read more about Hoyalux iD LifeStyle 4

Hoyalux Balansis


Advanced technology for comfortable vision.

Make advanced technologies available for more wearers with Hoyalux Balansis progressive lenses. By incorporating innovative HOYA technologies, Hoyalux Balansis lenses provide great visual comfort, allowing your customers to perform at their best during all everyday activities, at every viewing distance. The wearer will benefit from a natural transition to near-vision areas, for an instant focus on the many digital devices we use during our day-to-day activities. With Hoyalux Balansis lenses, you can provide patients with a large, clear viewing area and stable vision when moving around or walking up and down stairs. 

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A wider view for a wider audience

HOYA Daynamic is a progressive lens with a full back-surface progressive design to ensure a wider field of vision. It provides clear view at all viewing distances, making it the ideal upgrade from front-surface and conventional progressive lenses. As a result, your patients enjoy more comfort than provided by reading glasses or standard progressive lenses. And they are finally relieved from the continual switching from one ineffective solution to another.  

Read more about Daynamic
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