The ECP’s critical role in evidence-based myopia management

The ECP’s critical role in evidence-based myopia management

The Canadian Association of Optometrists estimates that 30% of Canadians experience myopia. Even more, a 2018 study found that 6% of children (6-8 years old) had myopia, with that number jumping to 30% for children 11-13 years old.¹


Myopia is progressing faster than in previous generations.¹ 📈 Often, the window of time in which we can make the most impact is just a few years. That’s why it’s so important for ECPs to work together to uphold the standard of care by recommending myopia management treatments that have strong evidence behind them.


All ECPs have an important role to play in myopia management, so it's critical that everyone understands and can support the message that myopia is a progressive condition that should be treated in a proactive way. Let’s talk more about the different ECP roles in slowing myopia and how evidence plays a big part in your treatment recommendations.


The ECP’s role in myopia management

Opticians are on the front line of patient communication, so they can be a valuable resource to support the Optometrists’ recommendations and build trust with patients.


Many people are not aware of the problems associated with myopia or that there is anything we can do about it, so the front-end staff can raise awareness by discussing myopia with patients from the start – especially for those who have children.


A great way to do this is by educating anyone with young children about myopia and the importance of good ocular hygiene for prevention or delaying onset. Advise at least two hours of outdoor time per day along with holding near-work at arm's length and taking frequent breaks to look into the distance.


The key to slowing myopia progression as much as possible is by catching it early. Remind patients of the importance of regular eye exams for children. Also, discuss the reasons we treat myopia and that there is strong scientific evidence that myopia increases the risk of ocular disease. Just be cautious not to scare them! Remember, we are doing this because there is no safe level of myopia.²⁻³ Even one diopter increase is associated with a 67% increase in the risk of myopia maculopathy.⁴⁻⁵ Not to mention, it can impact a child’s ability to learn and their overall quality of life.


Thankfully, we have clinically proven solutions available to suit all different lifestyles. When you embrace myopia management at your practice with the right solutions, you can enhance patient loyalty, increase practice revenue, and improve job satisfaction.⁶


However, patients may not see the value in myopia management, so you have to speak their language and show them results. Your role as their trusted ECP is choosing a personalized myopia management treatment option plan that is based in evidence.


What is evidence-based myopia management?

Evidence-based myopia management refers to myopia management solutions and treatments that have been tested and proven successful.


Proving the effectiveness of a myopia management solution is not a simple task. It has a long observation time; it takes months to see the results of a myopia management solution and years to evaluate if its treatment effect is sustained and if there is a possibility of rebound effect.


Know when evidence is worth relying on

Not all evidence is equal. First, there should be clinical studies. Second, you’ll want to evaluate the clinical studies closely. And third, be savvy, verify that the claims match the study, and the study matches the product specifications. Different studies carry more strength than others; evidence should be robust and published in peer-reviewed journals.


Clinical studies should evaluate the performance and safety of the treatment, answer common questions in your practice, and instil confidence.


MiYOSMART’s role in evidence-based myopia management

At HOYA Vision Care, we’ve established ourselves as global leaders in myopia management – having extensively studied and researched this condition for many years so we could bring you, the ECP, a proven solution for myopic patients.


MiYOSMART is HOYA’s evidence-based, non-invasive method to manage myopia. It was designed to slow down the progression of myopia in myopic children and adolescents. It has been clinically proven to do this by an average of 60%.⁷


MiYOSMART’s evidence aims to answer all your clinical questions, so you can confidently manage myopia in your everyday practice.

Benefits of evidence-based myopia management

Robust evidence brings ECPs more assurance and confidence when prescribing a myopia management solution.


Here’s how clinical evidence can benefit both your practice and your patients:


  • Evidence from peer-reviewed published studies could alleviate the pressure from ECPs when making clinical decisions
  • This research assists and informs conversations with patients who are parents
  • Being savvy with clinical data supports the ECP in becoming an expert and trusted professional
  • Results speak for themselves, driving practice validity
  • One happy myopic patient could bring the whole family
  • There is power in word-of-mouth among the parent community
  • Your staff is able to point to data-supported solutions


How evidence can help you overcome patient objections

As the expert, you know you are recommending evidence-based myopia management with MiYOSMART, but your patients may not know that.


To garner that loyalty and grow your practice, myopia management treatment must be proven successful, and you must present that research to your patients in a way they can understand.


Otherwise, patients will object because:


  • Costs associated don’t feel worth it
  • There are other new options available to choose from
  • It’s difficult to understand myopia and the science behind it
  • They fear myopia management may not even work


To push past these objections, communicate the risks associated with untreated myopia and offer your recommendations with empathy and evidence.


As we are dealing with children and the critical treatment time is often a few years, you can emphasize how crucial is it for myopic children to receive clinically proven treatment – early on.


Parents want the best for their children and will typically be receptive to more insight – just because they know about another treatment that is newer, that doesn’t mean it's better. They’ll be looking to you to answer their pressing questions about myopia and reliable treatment.


In these conversations, you can educate patients on the value of proven treatment administered now rather than later, be communicative about the short-term and long-term goals of treatment, and emphasize the lifestyle improvements associated with MiYOSMART that make the costs and changes worth it.


Why MiYOSMART for children?

Slowing down the progression of myopia and preventing the associated deterioration in eyesight can greatly enhance children’s lives by improving their visual acuity and overall well-being.




  • Industry leading solution for controlling myopia
  • Clinically proven effectiveness in slowing down myopia progression
  • Sustained treatment with no rebound effect
  • Child-friendly, easy to adapt and non-invasive
  • Available in sun and polarized solutions


ECP utilizes these 6 myopia management best practices in their expert role

As you develop a myopia management protocol that includes research-based solutions, make sure you also:


  1. Maintain a clear myopia message: we’re trying to slow the growth of the eyes to mitigate health risks and improve quality of life
  2. Address and assess myopia with patients eary: the earlier the better
  3. Optimize your patient communications techniques: show empathy and explain risks
  4. Explain your myopia management process: advise, prescribe, monitor
  5. Establish your myopia management pricing model
  6. Solidify your reputation as an expert



¹ Eye (Lond). 2018 Jun; 32(6): 1042–1047. Published online 2018 Feb 2. doi: 10.1038/s41433-018-0015-5 | PMCID: PMC5997685


² Gifford K. Preparing Your Practice for the Myopia Control Stampede. Contact Lens Spectrum, Volume: 31, Issue: June 2016, page(s): 20-23, 25, 55.


³ Flitcroft D.I. The complex interactions of retinal, optical and environmental factors in myopia aetiology. : Prog Retin Eye Res. 2012 Nov;31:622-660.


⁴ Bullimore MA, Brennan NA. Myopia Control: Why Each Diopter Matters. Optom Vis Sci 2019;96:463-5. doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001367.


⁵ Brennan BA, Toubouti YM, Cheng X, et al. Efficacy in myopia control. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 83 (2021) 100923.


⁶ Wolffsohn JS, Whayeb Y, Logan NS, et al. IMI—Global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice—2022 update. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2023;64(6):6.


⁷ 4 Lam, C.S.Y., Tang, W.C., Zhang, H.Y. et al. Long-term myopia control effect and safety in children wearing DIMS spectacle lenses for 6 years. Sci Rep 13, 5475 (2023). 023-32700-7