Your eyes are not made for screens. Sync III lenses are

Sync III

Help your patients’ eyes relax in a digital world.

Do your patients complain about tired eyes and impaired vision as a result of spending too much time behind their computer screens?

Offer them the relaxing power of HOYA's enhanced, third-generation single vision lenses, designed to help in preventing or relieving digital eye strain. This is an ideal solution for your customers aged between 13 and 45, who spend two or more hours a day focusing on digital screens. They are equally beneficial to people focused on near-sighted tasks. 


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Meeting your patients’ needs

Your opportunity to capture a wide, young market, aged 13 to 45, who spend 2+ hours a day looking at screens. 

Research shows that: 

  • Most people look at screens for 8 to 10 hours a day(1).
  • Prolonged screen time can cause digital eye strain, with symptoms such as irritated eyes, blurred vision and headaches, even after only two hours(2).
  • Switching between devices increases eye strain by 22%.
  • 91% of patients didn’t know about digital eye strain.
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Three levels of support

Sync III-5, Sync III-9 and Sync III-13

The three options are designed to address all levels of strain. The power boost specifically targets the way patients use their eyes TODAY. Constant switching between devices and screens, forces the eyes to work even harder, beyond the strain caused by small screens viewed at short distances and extended hours of viewing.

Standard single vision lens


Offering visual comfort throughout the day

Your tailored advice helps you to stand out in the single vision lens market.


An amazing 94.7% of wearers are satisfied with HOYA accommodative support lenses(3).  


Our Sync III enhanced single vision lenses have the distance power for everyday use and a ‘boost zone’ at the bottom of the lens, optimised for the way patients use their eyes today. The boost zone slightly increases lens power to support and relax the eye muscles so the eyes can focus more easily, relieving eye strain and enhancing visual comfort during up-close activities in a digital world. 

Sync III technologies

Help to prevent and relieve digital eye strain.

Ultra boost

Extra accommodation support for a viewing distance of up to 20cm. Enhanced visual comfort specifically for smart phone use

Binocular eye model

Unprecedented binocular performance in a dynamic, digital world

Position of wear

Takes into account individual wearing parameters for a more accurate correction leading to enhanced visual acuity

Point by point freeform calculation and surfacing technology

Guarantees unsurpassed visual sharpness over the entire lens surface and a natural vision experience

Image of optician holding a trial frame

SYNC III lenses offers you, the Eye Care Professional:

  • Proven satisfaction rate of 94.7% among wearers of Hoya accommodative support lenses3
  • A new single vision lens solution to offer to the wide target audience of digital device users
  • A great opportunity to distinguish yourself in the over-commoditized single vision lens space
  • A complimentary Sync iSelect app for a quick and easy lens recommendation
Image of optician holding a trial frame

Request more information about our products

At HOYA, we are ready to answer any questions you might have, explore our potential partnership and hear the ideas you want to share with us. Get in touch with us by completing the form linked below.

"One of the best things to do is to offer your patients solutions such as the Sync III lens."

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1) CaptainCook Research. Digital behaviour and digital eye strain. Hoya, April 2017, the Netherlands and USA

2) Ang C., Dinevski D., Vlasak N., Kok A. Taking the strain. Optician. 05/2017, vol. 253, no. 6600, p. 25-28

3) Gosling T. Helping relieve new visual demands. Optician. 06/2017, vol.253. no.6605, p.23-24